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  4. 朝日新聞「平成の30冊」2位「わたしを離さないで」 カズオ・イシグロさんコメント

朝日新聞「平成の30冊」2位「わたしを離さないで」 カズオ・イシグロさんコメント


カズオ・イシグロ 二〇一九年二月五日(土屋政雄氏訳)


From: Kazuo Ishiguro
Response to great news of NEVER LET ME GO featuring in Asahi Shimbun’s ‘Best 30 Books in the Heisei Period’.

I am completely delighted to hear that NEVER LET ME GO has achieved such a prominent place in this very distinguished Asahi Shimbun list, alongside works by such fine authors. This was a novel I’d attempted twice before to write earlier in my career, but had had to abandon because I’d been unable to find a way forward. Then at the start of this century, I felt the literary climate around me change. It seemed to become more open to influences from sci-fi and fantastic fiction – not least due to the influence from Japan of great writers like Mr Haruki Murakami, as well as Japan’s anime and manga culture – and finally I was able to discover a way to write the story I’d always wanted to write. It’s a dark, sad novel, but one I believe to be filled with optimism about the essential decency of human beings. I’m particularly grateful to my wonderful translator, Mr Masao Tsuchiya, and the great family house of Hayakawa Publishing, led by the extraordinary Mr Hiroshi Hayakawa, in allowing this story to reach and touch so many Japanese readers over the years.